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YOGA with SUE​


saturday 16th september

10am - 6 pm


Througham Slad Barn Stroud


Nourish Your Soul And Just Be




Join Sue at Througham Slad Barn in beautiful Stroud for a day of Yoga, connecting to nature, good company and nourishing food.


So much of our lives are driven by always feeling we have to do more and more and be better and better and to what avail?  Striving and surviving has taken on a raw necessity for many people as inflation feels like a balloon that gets bigger and bigger!  


You may wish to pop that balloon but even if you could the 'Buddhist Law of Impermanence' reminds us that "the only thing we cn be sure of is that "everything - be it the material things of this world, the human body, or the mind - is always undergoing constant change, never permenent, fixed or in stasis".   So how do we keep our feet on the ground in the midst of the wildfires, and global uncertainty?  


There is light on the horizon!  Just as the clouds give us rain and respite from the heat the philosophy of yoga offers a 'silver lining', a glimpse into 'that which  never changes' which is our spiritual presence and  In Sanskritt this is  Sat, which can also be thought of as pure truth. Chit in Sanskritt is related to awareness or cousciousness, also interpreted as knowledge.  By gaining insight into our spiritual unchanging presence, Sat, with conscious awreness Cit, then Ananda, meaning "joy" or "bliss" can arise.


This truth and realization of our unchanging spiritual being guides us to make the right choice so when your world is like a roller coaster which you can't control remeber the wisedom from the Bhagavad Gita;


"To action alone are you entitled never to its fruit,

Let not the fruit of action be your motive,

Nor let there be any attraction to inaction, 

Do your worrk in success or failure,

Yoga is balance".


10.0.a.m A welcoming beverage and snack.


10.30-12.30.p.m Slow Flow Yoga Rooting to Earth.


12.30-2.0.p.m Lunch 


2-330.p.m A Walk In Nature


3.30-5.0.p.m Restorative Somatics and Yoga Nidra


5.0.p.m Afternoon Tea 


6.0.p.m Depart to catch the 18:34 Arriving London Paddington 20:05


£85 includes all Yoga and Food and pick up from Stroud


From London;

Let the train take the strain!


Leaving Paddington Station 8:32 Arriving Stroud 9:55.a.m where you will be picked up.

Places for this day retreat are limited so early booking is recommended!


​© 2024 by Yoga with Sue

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